About Us



In the green lung of Campania, among the hills of Ariano Irpino, in what was once called the “Chiana di S. Maria,” stands my farm “Farmand.”
It is the fruit of a passion for the olive tree handed down from father to son.

Farmand Olio Ravece

olive trees

Ravece and Leccio del Corno

Founded in the late 1980s with about fifty plants for family needs, today “Farmand” has become the current farm with a thousand olive trees, of the Ravece and Leccio del Corno varieties.
Over the years we have experimented and implemented sustainable tillage, pruning and fertilization techniques, in defense of the soil and the plant, because one of our goals is to respect the whole ecosystem.
My desire, in fact, is to produce an oil not on an industrial scale, focusing on quantity, but rather to create a fine quality oil.

The Cure for the Olive Trees

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Despite my young age, I have decades of experience in the field of olive growing, which I never stop deepening, accepting the daily challenge of applying more and more cutting-edge techniques, but with complete respect for the environment. I believe, in fact, that the specialty of the product we offer depends on the care we have for each individual olive tree, always trying not to get into mechanisms of massification.
We care about each plant, we care about how the fruit it produces grows, how it is harvested, how it is milled, so that you can taste the true characteristic flavors and aromas of our extra virgin olive oil, beyond organic.

Farmand Olio Ravece